The alarm clock goes off.
As I wake from my very deep slumber I briefly consider the idea of not going to work until later, if at all. I reach for the phone and select the ‘snooze for 5 minutes’ option. That always works, me never being able to get to sleep again because I’m constantly thinking things like ‘did I hit the snooze but or have I switched it off?’ – often meaning that I wake myself up again before it goes off a second time and get up.
I want to turn over and snuggle up to F. I think, for the second time during my time in bed, that I really wish he were here so that I could do that. But he’s not here and I’m not there and, like last night when I wanted him for warmth (but also because I don’t like being apart from him) I think about how, perhaps, I should have made the effort to have gone up.
But the last couple of nights have been ‘bad’ nights. I am immensely tired. I do sleep to be woken again by the alarm. This time I get up.
I start to pull on my clothes. Rufus is there wanting attention but Dino is not, safely secured in the kitchen following last night’s small disaster. I think how nice it is not to have to shout at them; Rufus being so less boisterous now and Dino not being there to be over-excited. I get up and go and get my glasses from beside the computer.
I go to the hall and put my scarf and hat and gloves on then let Dino out who, like some crazed Tasmanian Devil spins and jumps and twists around. But he’s been a good boy and so I show him that he’s OK. Then realise I should have put my coat on and got more ready before I let him out.
As we’re walking up the street I realise I am still more than half asleep. I forgot to put the coffee on! Ah well, it doesn’t matter. Perhaps I shall have a shave before coffee? Maybe a shower too?
The ground is wet but it’s only spitting rain now. Thank goodness. However, the dog walking areas, still not recovered from the rain the other day, remain wet and waterlogged. I consider not letting them into the areas and then decide to anyway. The cleaner guy comes today.
I put the coffee on when we get home, having the flame much higher than normal. I need this coffee. I do the milk and then go and sort out their water and collect the bowls for the food. I measure in the milk and find that whilst I have been doing all the other things, the coffee is nearly done.
I take my coffee to the computer. I sit at the computer for about 20 minutes, drinking my coffee, Dino asleep by my side, wary of the nicking of stuff on the footstool now….perhaps? I hope so, for his sake and mine.
I write this post which goes nowhere between a rather hectic day with telephone calls and work interrupting; by now, forgetting entirely why I even started this. Except that I am tired and I really miss F and I want to be with him tonight, even if, at the same time, I really want to be asleep.
Today, this day, I just can’t wait for work to be finished and to be at home. I wonder if F, who is at the shop today or, at least, was this morning, will be home late or early? I hope early.
And now I remember the reason for writing this and the reason I am so tired. I was out last night. It was to meet FfC’s Mum. FfI was there and so was V. F wasn’t there because he is so busy and couldn’t be there.
It was a Chinese restaurant. I’m sorry if you were one of the attendees but, apart from the Duck with Orange (whole orange segments that were particularly juicy) it was mediocre at best. And I don’t like Sushi to be bigger than my mouth. It’s supposed to be food that you can put in your mouth in one go – as far as I am concerned. And the sauces were too glutinous and the taste not fine enough and the service was crap and THIS is why Italians are wary of Chinese food (although you wouldn’t think so by the fact that the place was full) and I really don’t blame them. And it cost over €40 per head.
And I looked at V and knew it was done. He looked older and like he needed some rest. I guess I do too. And, now, his ways seem far less endearing than I remember, even if they are the same.
But, at least I wasn’t let down by either person and, for that, I am pleased. But I didn’t get home until midnight and then I had to walk the dogs and couldn’t have driven to F’s place and so I phoned F on my way home and said how sorry I was but that I really couldn’t come over tonight as I couldn’t drive (too much to drink) and that I couldn’t walk there (too long) and so I would just stay at mine – if he didn’t mind. Which he said he didn’t.
And that’s why I wrote this post although now, at the end of the working day, I lack the enthusiasm to write it properly and fully and tell you the thoughts that went through my head last night.
But, basically that was last night and today.