In my head, I am firm and resolute.
F hasn’t been sleeping well and I snore and when it gets too much he has to stop me. He has tried many things. If he snores I only have to kiss him for him to stop. He’s tried that with me but, apparently, that and many other things, don’t work. He has to wake me.
And I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather. It’s like ‘flu but I think it’s down to not enough sleep. From my whole life of going to bed about 10 or 10.30 or, at a push, 11 (since I get up at 5 something), I am now never in bed before 11 and, amongst other side effects, I think it’s making me look older. Someone likened me to Tommy Lee Jones the other day, so you get what I mean (not that being likened to TLJ is a terrible thing, IMO).
And, so, after Tuesday night I resolved that I would sleep in my own bed. But when we spoke and he asked if I was coming round I said ‘yes’, of course. Wednesday, after feeling so grotty most of the day, I told myself that I would definitely sleep in my own bed. And, I said to myself, whatever he says, say that you want to make sure he sleeps well and you don’t want to wake him or keep him awake. But, again, as soon as he asked if I was going round the answer that came out was ‘yes’.
Last night we went to see Alice in Wonderland. After, we are walking back to our area (about 10 minutes). I didn’t mention anything. He says that he hopes to sleep better tonight. I sympathise and say that maybe I should stay at mine tonight. He says that he can come
No, it’s better that you sleep on your own.
Those are the words that should have come out of my mouth. Instead, I say “If you’re sure”.
Of course, earlier, he had phoned. “Be at Arcobaleno [the cinema in Viale Tunisia] at 7.30. We’re going to see Alice in Wonderland”. I had, previously decided that, when he phoned or came on line I would tell him that I was going to bed very early tonight. Of course, when he actually phones, I say “OK, I’ll be there”.
And I don’t regret that. Nor am I sorry that he spent the night at mine last night and the several times I woke up with him spooning me, all warm and comfortable and nice and reassuring. OK so I got to bed after 11 but I’m not seeing him tonight (he’s going to the theatre with some friends) and so I think that this will be almost the last night (before he goes away for a whole week) and I need to have him close to me. It’s my need but I think it’s also his. I mean, if I was really keeping him awake he wouldn’t come, right? Well, I’m sure he wouldn’t. Or, is his need to be with me the same as mine to be with him? Hmmm. Maybe.
And the reason we went to Alice In Wonderland was because his colleague got us tickets. F & I went for a beer first at one of the gay bars (Mono) nearby. Then met up with his colleague and her husband and son in front of the cinema. OK, it is a good film but Tim Burton is in danger of getting a bit ‘samey’. But I need to see it in English as I missed some of the (probably) more subtle bits of the film. The 3-D effects were good in parts (the smoke, falling leaves, flying things – where they really seemed to be coming out of the screen) but the rest was not really necessary and didn’t really add anything to the film. I wonder if the cost of making the film in 3-D will outweigh the returns and it will have a short shelf-life?
Anyway, back to the purpose of this post, which is to say that, in spite of my logical, calculating side knowing that I should say no, when I speak to him or am with him, it’s impossible to do anything other than agree to whatever he suggests. It kinda makes me angry (with myself) but then, again, I think- why not? After all, we only get the one life and fighting against the tide is pointless when, in reality, you just want to go with the flow
And, it’s not as if he is fighting against it that much either!