Generally, I have a very positive outlook on life even when, sometimes, it is hard.
But on one thing, I guess, I am a doom-monger. That is on the general, global economy – or certainly the way the the economy works now.
>This should be interesting reading and, whereas one shouldn’t believe everything (sometimes I think anything, given some of the recent journalistic “stories” put about by the media, them being, whilst not complete fabrication, certainly omitting important facts so as to slew the story in such a way as to make the point a complete fabrication – and I can give you examples if you would like) one reads or hears, there have been, over the last couple of years, enough of these type of stories, almost always buried and never refuted (or not that I’ve seen).
As I was reading this (and the comments below the story), our Engineering Manager came up to me and we talked a little. He asked if I knew about PIGS. I replied yes and that it was Portugal, Italy……at which point he stopped me and said that it wasn’t Italy but Ireland. Huh? I mean, there’s being faithful to one’s country and there’s bloody stupidity. He came to tell me it had been replaced by SWINE (Scotland, Wales, Ireland North and England). On that, given what I was reading, I could not add anything other than completely agree with him. I’m really not sure who’s in a worse position – us or them!
It seems that Buzz Lightyear’s (Burlusconi) boast about Italy being in a good position is really believed! This on the day that there is a General Strike (for various reasons including the crisis) here in Italy. After that we talked about housing and how the prices were still far too high. At least he agreed with me on that one – sort of. But still believing that his money was safer in housing than anything else! Another colleague really doesn’t believe me when I try to explain that neither he nor I will be retiring at 65 or 67 or 68 or whatever fool age they’ve currently given as the retirement age.
Maybe I am wrong, of course. I hope so, not that it is important to me one way or another, to be honest. But still, I really can’t see how the hell this is going to work unless things change.
Sooner or later, the model has to be changed. And it will cause great pain and hardship unless the people decide on something radical which they won’t because the people in power believe the crap that is coming from the bankers and the like. No one can see a different way because they are too frightened of losing the power/wealth that they have. No one in power nor those without power.
I wonder what it will take?