Rufus – a real old-gentleman dog.

It’s back, in a way, to the way it was less than three years ago.  Or, to be more accurate, about 15 years ago, I suppose.

He ‘lags’.  He has more problem keeping up.  Until the last couple of days, he had, for the last few months, been walking at my side – and not because I was getting him to walk to heel – just because he was doing it.  He seems to feel the pull of the lead more.  His sight is not so good any more.  If he’s by my side, I suppose, then he feels safer.  Maybe?

But these last few days, he has been lagging a bit.  Walking behind me.  And he’s a bit more wobbly.

Now, when you stroke his back, you feel the backbone.  As if there were no flesh.  As if he were already a skeleton.  His hindquarters have lost all fat and, it seems, most flesh.  Bless him.  His pupils now seem completely black.  It’s sad but it’s life.

As I say to people, if you can’t do this bit then you shouldn’t have a dog in the first place.  Yes, this is not easy but I try to make his life as comfortable as I can.  I need to take him out more often now, though, starting next week.  It will make it all easier for him.

It’s like having a puppy again.  You start off like this and end up like this.

But he’s still walking OK (most of the time).  He does have a bit of a problem cocking his leg now and tends to ‘lean’ onto the thing he is pissing against.  He really doesn’t have the strength any more.

But, he doesn’t seem in pain.  He’s just like an old gentleman, really.  Slower, weaker but with the same character.  He’s been a good dog and trustworthy and well-behaved.  He deserves my attention and love at this, probably his most difficult time.  And he shall have it, for as long as he needs it.