Those of you who know me or who have been reading this blog for long enough will know this is me.
I have been putting it off for about 3 years. But now it’s simply not good enough and I really do need to do something about it.
I am going to buy a printer – which has a scanner and a copier as well. I did a lesson today and I need to scan the resulting log sheet AND copy a couple of other things. I am not in work for over a week so I have no choice but to get one.
About bloody time really, to be honest. As usual (like the shirts I was going to buy the other week (and for the last couple of years) but didn’t),I keep ‘managing’ until it just becomes so difficult or so much of a pain or I have no choice.
I am, indeed, very lazy!
Or, maybe, very, very tight
Either way, sometimes, I do seem to make it difficult for myself.
Maybe I’ll get shirts tomorrow too?
Today, for the second time in four days, I get told that the person wants ‘to be perfect in English’ – giving themselves an impossible timetable. Of course, it’s not ‘impossible’, just highly unlikely and impractical.
But, what does one say?
I want to say, ‘Did you learn Italian in one month?’
But I don’t. I say nothing or try to guide them as to the impossibility of this.
One wants to be in the UK soon. The other has, kind of, told her new employers that she speak English well and is now, rightly, scared that the reality won’t match their expectations. And, anyway, we spent the whole lesson talking about her inability to progress to the third date with her boyfriends – in spite of me trying to move on to different things.
Hmmm. Does this make me a bad person? Should I just say, ‘Don’t be stupid’ or something?
The weather forecast, unfortunately, was right. Heavy and prolonged rain. In fact, heavy rain all day. However, the forecast for most of the rest of the week has significantly improved. On the minus side, F informed me last night that he was going to work some of Friday after all. Ah well, it’s not a disaster as we hadn’t planned anything. But I think I might try and persuade him we should go to Mantova for the day next Saturday