“How should we put the DVDs?”
This is not a stupid question. I’ve probably got about 400 and he has at least a couple of hundred. First, they will take up some space and secondly, if we are to find a film, we need to be able to get it without searching for hours!
“I don’t mind,” I say.
“You’ve got yours in alphabetical order,” he adds, “whilst mine are in a different order.”
“I have all the Romy ones together, for example. Or I have them in order of the director.”
“But I don’t really know the directors, that’s why mine are in alphabetical order,” I say.
When I want a film, I tend to go for the title of the film. I rarely remember the director’s name (with a few exceptions). “Perhaps we could have them in alphabetical order but then put the ones for Romy under “R”,” I suggest.
He pulls a bit of a face.
“But the others I have are in a different order,” he counters.
I laugh. After all, to be honest, we don’t watch DVDs so often these days – but maybe we will when we have a TV in the lounge?
“OK, you do it how you want,” laughing as I say this.
After all, this is how it will be, whatever I think!