This is now winter.

The last two mornings, when taking the dogs out first thing, it is cold. The baseball cap that I have been using will have to be replaced with a ski hat – tomorrow. My walking boots became the norm for dog walking about 2 weeks ago but that was for the rain as much as anything else.

As we’re driving to work this morning, we go for a short while on the motorway that leads from Milan to the Lakes (and Switzerland). The day was bright and sunny and the mountains, in the distance, ahead of us, were snow covered. It is beautiful but I much prefer the heat of summer.

I will have to get out all my nice, thick, warm jumpers this weekend. And gloves. And coats. Brrrr.

Dragonflies: Montevecchio

We were up at Montevecchio the other evening (not really a place I would recommend) and walking around the cobbled streets when I saw so many dragonflies doing their acrobatic, helicopter thing above us and over the vines laden with unripe grapes.

Then again, yesterday, in the park with the boys, a load of them in the sun chasing their food.

In Montevecchio, we were with A and F. He actually asked if they bite!

I must say that they have got to be one of my favourite insects.

We found somewhere to eat. Called Il Rustico it was exactly what it said on the tin – rustic. Unfortunately, the food was too.< Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it was more than disappointing and V & I commented, to each other, that, even though people consider Milan to be expensive, we could have had a far better meal in Milan for the price. Even A & F agreed that the food was well below par. Give Montevecchio a miss. Now back to cleaning and general household chores. Oh joy.

Just thought you should know…….

The thermometer on the balcony, in the shade, says it’s currently 38 degrees. Wow, Yes!

I shall be away for a few days next week. Another fabulous trip to the delights of Wolverhampton, via Bristol airport. Oh joy. Guess I will have to dig out some of my winter stuff. :-P

Whilst I am away, given the hours that V is working, I expect the remaining live plants on the balcony will be dead and that Dino’s toilet training will suffer a large setback. By the way, Dino is now almost the same size as Rufus, shoulder to shoulder. Scary, considering he’s only coming up to five months old!

And next week is the final week before our (where I work, that is, not a holiday with V, of course, since that’s what we won’t be having) 2 week holiday. Which also means it’s only 11 days until S is here, with the kids. Yay. Although, notoriously, the weather breaks around the 15th (Ferragosta). I’m just hoping that this year is an exception. I mean we don’t need 38 degrees to be sitting at a café but the high 20s/low 30s and no rain would be good.

Lesbian Music; It’s like September

Most of my favourite writers and singers are women. My all-time favourite is Joan Armatrading. I first saw here in 1977 not long after she had released Love and Affection but, I seem to remember that it may have been the album after that – Show Some Emotion.

A great artiste, to be sure. From that time I have seen her in concert almost every tour, except, perhaps, for a couple of tours.

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I may be a grumpy old git.

I’m not quite sure why I always seem to end up involved in Engineering. I don’t like it and I don’t really find it interesting. Sure, I can talk the talk and interact with Engineering people but it’s just lumps of metal (or plastic, or some other material) which are eventually put together to do a job. My real interest is only in the fact that the ‘job’ gets done.

Maybe I am just a grumpy old git.

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Quick post

Very short post just before our customers arrive. I am so busy and with V working the long hours (which should finish soon) I just have no time at the moment not even visiting my favourite blogs!

Wolverhampton was, well, Wolverhampton. Thank goodness, arriving back and stepping off the plane reminded me why I live here. It was about 25 degrees and fabulous.

After a dismal May and June, with rain and temperatures less than the UK sometimes, we are now back to normal. Temperatures in the low 30’s and clear blue skies. Hurrah.

Dino is turning into a great dog. The toilet training is going quite well and he is so sociable and playful with the other dogs in the park. A real pleasure.

He does have the one trick that he always plays. We usually go to the park for an hour or an hour and a half when I return home each night from work. After spending time playing with his many friends at the large dog area, when it comes time to go he’s not so keen. So, he just lies down and has to be enticed to move. Once we’re off the grass he’s pretty much fine but it normally takes me about a quarter of an hour to get him off the grass. Bless.

A quick overview – Gay, immigrant, drunk, nail-biting, Tibetan Taxi Driver

I must apologise for my lack of posts this month. There have been many times that I’ve started to write something, been distracted or ran out of gas halfway through and they just never get finished.

I have wanted to say things about the events in Tibet; gay people; drink/driving; immigrants; and many other things but they just haven’t made it to the blog.

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Gianna Nannini

Gianna Nannini or, as I thought for ages, Gian Annanini (although why some woman would have a blokes name, God only knows), was truly fantastic. Her name is pronounced Janananini as there is no gap when you say it.

This is helped, no doubt, by the fact that the last concert (and first here, in Italy) that I went to was…wait for it…Robbie Williams!

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