The sun went green in Milan

Today, in Milan, the sun turned green!  Yes, that’s right, it was only a slight hue of green, but green it was.  It was very strange walking around in this slightly green light.  It seemed to make the leaves on the trees (yes we have a lot of them in Milan although how they survive in the pollution beats me) much greener than normal.  Walking around, people were just staring up towards the sun or there with their hands in front of them, examining them, as if they had some dread disease.  It was quite freaky, just like some sort of Science Fiction film.  Except that we were here and it wasn’t some film set.

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Solution to cockroaches, Pirates, burgers and Hay (of course)

N was telling me last night about her successful cockroach killing secret weapon.  It seems that they have had a couple of them in her flat and it’s not just her apartment, but the whole building.  The landlady gave her some bait to put down, which she duly did and then she saw the cockroach come along, dance for a while around the bait and then scamper off!

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Aimless, goalless, nothingness

When we first came to Italy, we did nothing.  Well, obviously we did things, but we had no jobs, no reason to get up in the morning, to leave the house (apart from the dog and buying food).  We had money.  It was the plan.  It was what we had decided to do.  Nothing.  Just be there.  See how life was.  See what would happen in the future. Continue reading