I’m not really what you would call “a shopper”. In spite of V’s 20 years of trying to make me one. And now that I don’t have him to “force” me to do so, I find that putting off making that purchase suits me just fine.
So, I really could do with some new shirts and there’s a shop just down the road with shirts for €10 so there’s no excuse, really. But still, when I pass, which I do often, there’s always a good reason why “this moment” is not the right time.
The same is true of the table that I really want but just can’t be bothered to get in the car and drive to get, which is annoying, even to me and yet, not annoying enough that I actually do something about it.
However, if I need to shop or are in a situation where I am with others who are shopping, purchasing can be quite easy.
Food shopping I do actually enjoy. Not going to the supermarket, exactly (but even that is quite nice if I have a recipe/meal in mind) but looking round interesting food shops (which I have been doing some of whilst abroad, recently).
And when I was getting my passport renewed, we were stuck for some hours in a town and I managed to pick up a couple of very nice T-Shirts for a very reasonable price. For clothes shopping, the way that works is I walk into the shop, take a quick glance at the rails I can see and quickly determine if there’s likely to be any chance of finding something I will like.
I go to the rail and quickly flick through the things and only if there is something slightly unusual or interesting do I bother to even pull it out. Then, if I can’t find my size within milliseconds I find an assistant who can do all the looking for me.
So, as you can imagine, finding something more “technical” quite fills me with dread. Although I seriously need a new computer, I just cannot go looking. The same with a new mobile phone. You see, the problem is that there is too much choice and you can’t tell what you want just by “browsing” through a store.
However, I thought that getting a new vacuum cleaner would be a bit of a breeze. Although I had put it off for about 2 months, I decided, yesterday, that I really had to do it as I cannot beat out the big rug – it’s just too big to go over the balcony and I was finding it difficult to clean.
I knew what I wanted. A Dyson. Now there’s a simple thing, I thought. I go to the shop in Corso Buenos Aires that I know. As I get to the right area I see an array of vacuum cleaners. Not a good sign. I find a few Dysons. Actually, a few too many! There’s one for allergies, one that says “Origin” (meaning original?) and a few others. They are expensive so I briefly toy with the idea of a Hoover or similar equivalent but remember that the Dyson is definitely better.
I pick one as if sticking a pin in a map and deciding where to go. It’s the Origin. Not the most expensive but would seem to be the right one.
The one on display is the last one they have. I ask for a discount. They won’t give me enough and so I leave. I decide to go to the other shop of theirs that is between Piazza Oberdan and Piazza Repubblica. I can get the same one there that hasn’t been on display.
I go to the right areas for vacuums. Here they have even more choice of Dysons! There’s even one for Pet Hair! Who would know that you could have a cleaner that was specifically designed to get all the pet hair up? However, that one costs almost €200 more than the normal ones. Although I may need it, I am not paying so much extra. But there were at least another 4 different types! Why? Too much choice in this sort of thing just makes me want to walk away.
Anyway I plump for the one that I think will suit. The girl has a good time (not) searching for one that has the correct tool for both hard floors and rugs but, eventually, finds one. I pay and catch the tram back home, grateful, in fact, that the tram stop is right outside and that I didn’t have to lug one from their other shop.
I put it together at home but didn’t actually try it as I am feeling so tired following my recent trips.
I decide to hoover up this morning.
I try to find a socket or adapter that will take the plug. None do. My flat is old and uses a special (old) type of socket that requires special adapters to permit normal plugs of today to fit. However, I was surprised that none of the adapters would work. Damn!
So now I will be back to the shop on Monday to find (hopefully) an adapter that works. The cleaning will wait.