It’s funny, really. I only thought about it today but I know what’s different.
Christmas Carols. There aren’t any. Sure, we have the same kind of piped music in the shops. Maria Carey with her greatest Christmas Hits, blaring out, not so subtly, for example. But what I don’t see (although maybe it’s just Milan, or, even Milan centre) is groups of people singing Christmas Carols.
What we do have at this time of year is street vendors selling chestnuts, which is nice; flashing lights round people’s balconies or windows (thank God that the fad for Santas climbing up ladders seems to have almost gone); decorated trees or some sort of modern version in most shops; beautiful Christmas lights down the main streets or the little ‘centres’ that are outside the centre of Milan but are their own little community, like on a section of Via Stoppani, for example.
We also have (or have had) the local priest coming round to bless the ‘house’ although, being at work, I always miss it, which is, probably, just as well.
And last night, as I walked into F’s flat, there were Christmas songs being played. Now I should point out that, for the last 20 years, on the dot of the 1st December, out came the Christmas CDs. Some of which I didn’t have a problem with. However, after the hundredth hearing of Maria Carey’s (breathy) Ultra-Special Christmas Album, I’d had enough. So by about the 10th December I didn’t want to hear any Christmas songs again!
The difference, which was refreshing, was that last night it was all the sort of stuff I like – Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Perry Como and, even, Doris Day! All the kind of stuff that I really do like at Christmas. But what he doesn’t seem to have is an Italian singer’s Christmas album (I shall, of course, check now).
So I may not have Christmas carols everywhere but at least I shall have Doris and Bing!