“…then we can spend the night together!”
The voice was hushed and, yet, excited. Bless him. Still there is the ‘not running’ thing. See, that’s what I don’t quite get. Again, it’s my mild autism coming into play, I guess. Run! Don’t Run! Run! Don’t Run!
‘Would you like to come to dinner with me and MM [his colleague with whom he goes to Tango lessons on a Monday night] or pick me up after the lesson?’, he asked earlier.
‘I can do both’, I reply – not telling him that every moment I spend out of his presence is a moment too long.
And so, last night, I got home and went almost straight away to pick him up from work. The plan was that we would go for something to eat, he would go to Tango lessons with MM and then I would drive down about 10.30, pick him up from the lesson and we would go to his house. I would have taken the dogs out before I left, of course.
The reality was a little different. First, I went to his office and I quickly tried on a suit jacket – just to see if the standard size fitted me. It was absolutely perfect! I am so lucky like that. He was pleased. These are samples, made for the buyers. They come in one size and, very fortunately, it’s my size. And I mean, so my size it looked like it was tailored just for me. He said that I could also use his discount as he’s not buying anything this year. That’s an extra 50% off!
Then, because it was a little early to meet MM, we went for a beer. We talked about A. A was funny on Sunday because he felt he should get changed if we were to meet F, which in the end, we didn’t. I said that F wouldn’t mind and it was fine. A seemed nervous about meeting F. F is also nervous about meeting A (and all my other friends). I explained to F that everyone will love him because he makes me so happy! This is true, I know.
We went to the restaurant/pizzeria. MM was already there, on her first beer. She drinks beer like an English person. And smokes as much as I do. I love her already. We order and, she wants meat but they only do it for 2. F asks if I will have that and I am pleased to do so. The meat was perfect.
MM understands English quite well but doesn’t speak it at all. The conversation is difficult to follow at times but I get most of it. MM asks if F is going to Austria for Christmas. He says that no, we are going to R’s birthday dinner and then we shall spend Christmas together. He turns to me and says ‘Is that OK?’. I smile and say ‘Of course, that’s OK’. In my head I am already dancing on the table!
MM says that perhaps we should go to Vienna for New Year. F thinks this is a good idea and says we could drive there. It’s his birthday just after New Year. It would be nice. I say that this would be lovely but I have to sort out the dogs. He understands.
We have another beer each at the restaurant and then go outside for a cigarette. They talk about Tango. The problem is that F (and MM) will miss the next two weeks. MM suggests that, as they are supposed to pay this week, it seems quite mad that they are going anyway – missing so many lessons already.
They decide that they won’t go after all. MM suggests going for a drink. She lives not far from me. We walk up towards Via Eustachi. We go to Bar Aurore on Via Castelmorone. This is one of the more famous bars in Milan. Very old fashioned and, to me, it seems almost French in style.
We order beers. We talk. Occasionally we go outside for a cigarette. I try to talk Italian with MM. F smiles (almost laughs) as I am talking. I stop and ask why he is laughing at me. He explains (mainly to MM) that this is the first time he has heard me speak Italian, which is probably true and it’s not wrong just strange to him.
We have several more beers. I go to the bathroom. Afterwards, F explains that, whilst I was in the bathroom, MM had exclaimed ‘Why, F, you never told me he was gorgeous! If he wasn’t gay I would be interested in him!’ I think this pleases him. I like MM very much (apart from the beer drinking and smoking) – she is lovely. I think she likes me too. I think I’m doing OK!
I have to go and walk the dogs. He says we should walk the dogs together. I am happy about that, except that, when I rushed out, I left the cleaner doing the ironing and knew there would be ironing left all over the lounge, the bedroom with sheets not changed; I had no idea that he would come over tonight!
I try to explain that the house will be a mess and why it will be so.
We get home. He loves the dogs although Dino is, as usual with someone new, over excited. We take them out. We get back. We go to bed. We talk. I so love having him with me. I just so love it.
Again he talks about going slowly. I wonder at what point that will change. He explains why (again) and I do understand. But then there are the Christmas and New Year arrangements. But these all come from him. I cannot make suggestions (I feel) as I do not know how fast/slow such arrangement-making is!
This morning, I get up early but let him sleep in whilst I take the dogs out. I go back and make coffee and then have a shower. I explain how, next time, I will alter the arrangements and have a shower before coffee so that he can get up later.
Dino is over excited as normal. He really likes Rufus, who is quiet and calm. But I think he likes Dino also. Dino will be calmer when he gets used to him. I must remember to tell him that.
I drive him home. He says that he can catch a bus. I tell him that no way and, anyway, this is on my way to work. He is ready to get out at Piazza Loretto but I say that I will drive him up to his house. He says that the traffic will be bad for me. I say it is far to early and it will be fine and point this out as we drive towards his place. I am right.
I drop him off. We kiss, briefly before he gets out of the car and blow kisses to each other as he walks to his building. He says he will call me.
Now we have Christmas and New Year together.