It has been simmering for ages now. Finally, this morning, I had an email from a friend (we’ll say, F1) which was slightly strange. Basically, it asked if it was OK to tell this friend of mine (we’ll say F2) to go f%&k themselves. I’m not really sure why I was asked but I said that F1 should do as they wished.
Within an hour or so F2 was in chat with me and said that they had spoken to F1 who asked about whether F2 had read my blog. F2 asked why and what did it say. I said it said nothing that I could remember (which is true since I forget a lot of what I have written). F2 asked if I had mentioned F and I explained that I had almost every day (which Best Mate has also pointed out) for the last month and a half or so. F2 then asked if I had ever mentioned them. To which I replied yes and that I had talked about restaurants, eating at F2’s place, etc. etc.
Then, via Facebook, I get an email from F3. F3 wanted to explain that they were not a miserable secretive person, in spite of what F2 may have said. And that they had not invited F2 (nor anyone else) to their new flat because they were treating it as a haven from everyone and no one was being invited. I replied that F3 should not worry about what F2 said and that I liked F3 (and F2) as they were.
And, so, I put up a new page on the left …… About this blog……
I have always said that I write this blog for me. It does get very personal but, unless you actually know the people in real life (and only a handful do know each other) you could never say who individuals are much less have enough details to know them well or be able to pick out who they are from the snippets I write.
But, this sudden panicking by F1, F2 and F3 to tell me stuff or ask me stuff is slightly worrying. I mean why? And why now?
Of course, there is a single thing linking them. F2! I’m wondering if it’s some kind of shit-stirring. I hope not as these things nearly always back-fire and would, certainly, in this case, if it continues. Alternatively, it could be all a misunderstanding on mine or someone else’s part.