PR – The only way to go.

For what it’s worth, the LibDems would be mad to go with either the Conservatives or Labour. Neither of them would do any favours for the LibDems – and if they think that either of them would permit any form of proportional representation – and, thereby, lose the chances they have for staying in power, they are really stupid.

Sooner or later, the UK will wake up to the fact that the current system disenfranchises so many voters and it will change. But not yet.

What the LibDems should do is try to educate the voters so that they get enough votes which are translated into real seats to be able to push through PR. And hope that the voters aren’t scared by the other two parties, like they usually are. Only then will the change happen.

There. My opinion. For what it’s worth.

I cook passata

Well, at least I didn’t let the tomatoes go to waste – like I did last time.

I thought it would be nice. And I cooked it from scratch rather than buying it in a bottle. It was all supposed to go like this ……. I cook the passata (the tomato sauce that goes with bolognese sauce for those of you from the UK (‘cos there isn’t actually a thing called Spaghetti Bolognese here)); I was going to buy some sausages to go with it; I would have cooked and served tagliatelle with some of the sauce and then served the sausages with more sauce and a salad – a nice Sunday lunch/dinner.

Ah well. He informs me that, after a week of eating meat and drinking lots of beer in Germany, he’s on a diet! And the diet – bananas and milk!!!! WTF????

He doesn’t even like milk!

But I cook it anyway. I told him when we were out walking the dogs. He said we could have it tomorrow. Bless him.