Another (scary) First; Parking the car at work.

I tried to get out of it but not so that it was obvious. My heart was pounding, my stomach muscles (what’s left of them) were flexed, almost painfully. I tried to relax. I forced myself to relax and it almost worked.

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Dino gets me free beer: Eat shit and (hopefully) don’t die!

Yes, I know, most of the posts these days have something about Dino in them. Sorry. I guess it’s like having a new baby.

Last night, when I got home from work, I took Rufus and Dino out for a short walk as it is now incredibly hot here. As I type this (half seven at night) it says, on the thermometer on the balcony, that it is currently 37 degrees. This morning, going to work at 7.30, the temperature was about 29 degrees. I am not complaining but the dogs find it all a bit much. But a short walk was needed so I had to do it.

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WordPress, Photpress, Videos; Visiting Friends; Dino and Rufus; We still have a garden.

Well, now. Moving the site was a tad interesting. I had said before that, maybe, at some time, upgrade my version of WordPress and I found that, in fact, as I moved, I had no choice. It did take a little longer than I had hoped but, at least, it finally worked.

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Finally – we’re back!

Hurrah! We’re back. And I say “we” meaning me and a “guest” poster. This will be revealed in the near future (but it isn’t V who, to be frank, shows little interest in the blogging thing).

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