From Tripoli in Libya! Via email!!
Now, as far as I know, I don’t actually know anyone who either lives in or travels to Libya.
From Tripoli in Libya! Via email!!
Now, as far as I know, I don’t actually know anyone who either lives in or travels to Libya.
Yes, I know, most of the posts these days have something about Dino in them. Sorry. I guess it’s like having a new baby.
Last night, when I got home from work, I took Rufus and Dino out for a short walk as it is now incredibly hot here. As I type this (half seven at night) it says, on the thermometer on the balcony, that it is currently 37 degrees. This morning, going to work at 7.30, the temperature was about 29 degrees. I am not complaining but the dogs find it all a bit much. But a short walk was needed so I had to do it.
Dino learnt a new “trick” yesterday. After a long walk and playing with various other dogs in the park, he gets a little tired. On our way out of the park it is necessary to coax him with a little tugging of the lead. I can’t (and wouldn’t) just drag him along although sometimes there is a little of that, just to get him on his feet and moving.
Hurrah! We’re back. And I say “we” meaning me and a “guest” poster. This will be revealed in the near future (but it isn’t V who, to be frank, shows little interest in the blogging thing).
Being brought up in the UK, no-one said much about the choice of words you used. It was all perfectly understood.
It’s an age thing. I feel I ought to be able to say something profound with the experience I have. But there is nothing to say.
Ah well.
It was our first Italian wedding. Our second wedding this year. They were very different.
I couldn’t wait until Monday. The last time I had made a Lemon Meringue Pie, a week or so ago, I took a piece in for S to try. She had been badgering me for the recipe ever since and, eventually, I obliged.
I came here to find passion. Well, that wasn’t the only reason, but it was one of the many. And, certainly, the Italians have passion off to a fine art. Sometimes it can be confused (by me and others) as anger or over-excitement.
Gianna Nannini or, as I thought for ages, Gian Annanini (although why some woman would have a blokes name, God only knows), was truly fantastic. Her name is pronounced Janananini as there is no gap when you say it.
This is helped, no doubt, by the fact that the last concert (and first here, in Italy) that I went to was…wait for it…Robbie Williams!